Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Wait is Killing Me

Okay, so I exaggerate a little. It's not really killing me...more of torturing me. Two more days to go before I find out the result. Two more days to go crazy over worrying. I've become so emotional lately, what with the hormone drugs that I am taking and/or injecting (I sound like a drug addict) that Kenn actually told me this morning that he was afraid to go into our room because I might start crying. I really really don't like this waiting period especially since I have nothing to keep myself occupied with that all I can think about is "What if I'm not pregnant?" I just think that this is my last chance to have a baby, which to be honest is not that far off the mark. Let's face it, my biological clock is ticking and I'm not getting younger. Okay, I'm not really over the hill yet but still IVF has always been my back up plan. So now, since I've already decided to utilize my back up, what if it still doesn't work? I don't have a back up to my back up!!! Well, alright, I do still have that two frozen embryos at the clinic but I don't know if I can go through with this again. I'm so tired from all this waiting. Ironic, isn't it? Since waiting is all i have now until that proverbial stick turns blue.

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